International Flight Network (also referred to as “IFN”)
Content director:
Jakob Wert
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The content published on this website and affiliated social media channels was created by a number of journalists, writers, contributors and photographers based in different countries around the world. As International Flight Network aims to be legally available for everyone, regardless of the location, this website is designed to comply with privacy, data protection and transparency regulations from various countries, including the European Union’s GDPR. We therefore encourage you to read the information provided on this page and review our Privacy Policy.
Online Dispute Resolution website of the EU Commission
In order for consumers and business partners to resolve a dispute out-of-court, the European Commission developed the following Online Dispute Resolution Website:
Legal disclaimer
The content and information on this website (, as well as our social media channels, was prepared with utmost care and is being moderated in the same way. Nonetheless, we cannot assume liability for the timeless accuracy and completeness of the content.
Everything posted on these sites is for information purposes only. Furthermore, be aware that news and events may develop or change rapidly. Any update, article, post, or image may not reflect the most recent situation.
Copyright notice for
Copyright © International Flight Network (IFN)
All content and information on this website are copyright by International Flight Network (unless noted otherwise), and may not be duplicated, copied, modified or adapted, in any way without our written permission.
To illustrate written content, International Flight Network regularly uses imagery from other photographers or sources, who are not affiliated with us. These images are being used with permission under a non-exclusive Creative Commons (or similar) license, authorised for commercial use. Copyright to any imagery belongs to their respective owners (see notice under each image).
We do everything possible to ensure that all images used are correctly licensed and published with accurate attribution. If you are the owner of any imagery used on our content and believe there is an error, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will resolve your issue as soon as possible.
Data protection
For detailed information about the privacy and cookie practices of this website, please review our Privacy Policy.